Research Keywords 【 display / non-display

  • Water treatment, UV, disinfection, On-site sanitation

Research Pursuits 【 display / non-display

  • With water as a keyword, I'm researching control for pathogenic microorganisms related to human health and water treatment technologies for water environment conservation. I'm also conducting research on how to establish appropriate water sanitaition systems in developing countries, such as Sri Lanka as a field study.

Academic 【 display / non-display

  • The university of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Urban enginnering, University, 卒業, Japan

  • The university of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Urban enginnering, Graduate School(Master's Course), 修了, Japan

  • The university of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Dept. of Urban enginnering, Graduate School(Doctor's Course), 修了, Japan

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Engineering, The university of Tokyo

  • Engineering, The university of Tokyo

  • Ph.D (Engineering), The university of Tokyo

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Research Organization, the Core Section The Natural/Applied Sciences Division, Professor, 2012.04 - 2015.03

  • Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Professor, 2015.04 -

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Life Sciences, 2012.04 - 2015.03

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Life Sciences, 2015.04 -

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Human Centered Engineering, Professor, 2016.04 -

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External Career 【 display / non-display

  • The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering, Research Associate, 1995.04 - 1997.10

  • The University of Tokyo Faculty of Engineering, Lecturer, 1997.11 - 1999.03

Research Field 【 display / non-display


Books 【 display / non-display

  • 分散型サニテーションと資源循環

    Decentralised Sanitation and Reuse, 技報堂出版, IWA publishing, 2005.03, 荒巻 俊也・石崎 勝義・稲森 悠平・大瀧 雅寛・大森 英昭・岡部 聡・京才 俊則・切明 かおる・小池 俊雄 他, P.Lentz, G.Zeeman, G.Lettinga, Textbook, survey, introduction, 15

  • 水系感染症リスクのアセスメントとマネジメント WHOのガイドライン・基準への適用

    Guidelines, Standards and Health: Assessment of risk management for water-related infectious disease, 技報堂出版, IWA publishing, 2003.09, 猪又 明子・岩堀 恵祐・遠藤 銀朗・遠藤 卓郎・大瀧 雅寛・片山 浩之・金子 光美・黒木 俊郎・鈴木 穣・田中 宏明・土佐 光司・長岡 裕 他, L.Fewtrell, J.Bartram, Textbook, survey, introduction, 23

  • 水の微生物リスクとその評価

    Quantitative microbial risk assessment, 技報堂出版, Jhon Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2001.12, 遠藤 銀朗・大瀧 雅寛・片山 浩之・金子 光美・神子 直之・田中 宏明・土佐 光司・長岡 裕・中島 淳・保坂 三継・矢野 一好, C.N.Haas, J.B.Rose, C.P.Gerba, Textbook, survey, introduction, 40

  • Bioscience

    Environmental bio-engineering, Ohmsha, 2007.05, 大瀧雅寛,大塚雅巳,沖米田司,甲斐広文,垣内康孝,加藤美砂子,久保英夫,熊倉鴻之助,小林哲幸,近藤るみ,作田正明,笹川展幸,澤進一郎,島本伸雄,首藤剛,高井一也,高橋正征,高見英人,滝沢公子,田辺和弘,千葉和義,服田昌之,原田一恒,東山哲也,広川貴次,広橋教貴,三隅将吾,宮本泰則,室伏きみ子,室伏擴, 室伏きみ子,甲斐広文,熊倉鴻之助,千葉和義,服田昌之, Textbook, survey, introduction, 7

  • 第6版 化学便覧 応用化学編 I

    I編総説 2章化学産業の基盤 水資源, Maruzen, 2002.12, 浅沼 正・大瀧 雅寛・川本 桂一・小林 幹男・鈴木 祐一郎・田中 忠良・田村 昌三・千葉 光一・津志田 藤二郎・羽田 謙一郞・八木田 浩史・安井 至・柳沢 幸雄, 辰巳 敬・請川 孝治, Dictionary, encyclopedia, 7

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Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Exploration of appropriate media to influence sustainable on-site sanitation choices in Sri Lanka– visualization with still images or a video

    Heliyon, , 2023.10, Tokunaga C., Otaki Y., Honda H. and Otaki M., Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor

  • Experimental validation of determinants of UV sensitivity using synthetic DNA

    J. of photochemistry and Photobiology, Elsevier, , vol.12, 2022.12, Otaki. M. Higashino Y. and Yamada Y., Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author

  • Demand-side water management using alternative water sources based on residential end-use

    Water Practive & Technology, IWA publishing, , vol.17(4)(p.949 - 959), 2022.04, 73) Otaki Y., Otaki M., Chaminda T., Matsui T., Bokalamulla R. and Thathasarani R, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor

  • Pharmaceutical Contaminants in Shallow Groundwater and Their Implication for Poor Sanitation Facilities in Low-Income Countries

    Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, , vol.41(2)(p.266 - 274), 2022.02, Do Thi Thuy Quyen, Otaki. M, Otaki Y., Chaminda T., Ishara W. S., Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor

  • Demand-side water management using alternative water sources based on residential end-use

    Water Practive & Technology, , 2022, Otaki Y., Otaki M., Chaminda T., Matsui T., Bokalamulla R. and Thathasarani R., Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor

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Published Article 【 display / non-display

  • 水処理における紫外線消毒技術の現状と展望

    光アライアンス(1)(p.1 - 5), 2019.01, 大瀧雅寛, Survey, Single Author, Except for reviews, Other

  • UV-LED 光源製品のバラツキが殺菌効果に及ぼす影響

    JUVAニュースレター(11)(p.18 - 19), 2018.03, 大瀧雅寛, Survey, Single Author, Except for reviews, Other

  • Visiting laboratory

    Ozone News, 2011, Otaki Masahiro, Letters, Single Author, Except for reviews, Other

  • Water consciousness in South East Asia

    Ductile iron pipes, 2011, Otaki Masahiro, Letters, Single Author, Except for reviews, Other

  • オゾンガスによる菌・ウイルスの不活化

    電気学会誌, vol.141(2)(p.770 - 773), 2023.12, 大瀧雅寛, Letters, Single Author, Except for reviews, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)

Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • 2011 Report of study on control and management of water quality in water distribution system using microbial risk assessment

    Investigation of disinfection technology for inhibiting bacterial regrowth, 2012.03, Dai Shimazaki, Sadahiko Ito, Mashiro Otaki, Ikuo Kasuga, Shoichi Kunikane, Dai Shimazaki, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report

  • 2009 Report of study on control and management of change in water quality in water distribution system

    Investigation of disinfection technology for inhibiting bacterial regrowth, 2011.03, Dai Shimazaki, Sadahiko Ito, Mashiro Otaki, Ikuo Kasuga, Shoichi Kunikane, Naoyuki Funamizu, Dai Shimazaki, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report

  • 2009 Report of study on control and management of change in water quality in water distribution system

    Investigation of disinfection technology for inhibiting bacterial regrowth, 2010.03, Dai Shimazaki, Sadahiko Ito, Mashiro Otaki, Ikuo Kasuga, Shoichi Kunikane, Naoyuki Funamizu, Dai Shimazaki, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report

  • 2008 Report of study on control and management of change in water quality in water distribution system

    Investigation of disinfection technology for inhibiting bacterial regrowth, 2009.03, Dai Shimazaki, Sadahiko Ito, Mashiro Otaki, Ikuo Kasuga, Shoichi Kunikane, Naoyuki Funamizu, Dai Shimazaki, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report

  • 2007 report of study on management of waterworks without chlorine disinfection

    Investigation of disinfection technology, 2008.03, 国包章一,船水尚行,伊藤貞彦,西村和之,大瀧雅寛,島崎大, 国包章一, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • ベトナム・ホーチミンにおけるセプティックタンクの管理状況と病原微生物指標の実態調査

    徳永 千夏・柴尾 映里奈・大瀧 雅寛・大瀧 友里奈・Do Thi Thuy Quyen, Domestic, Poster presentation, 2023.03, 2023/03/152023/03/17, 第57回日本水環境学会年会, 松山市, 日本水環境学会, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • 紫外線照射後の暗所保存による光回復抑制効果

    深津 璃香・大瀧 雅寛, Domestic, Poster presentation, 2023.03, 2023/03/152023/03/17, 第57回日本水環境学会年会, 松山市, 日本水環境学会, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • 紫外線の断続的照射による光回復の抑制効果

    大瀧 雅寛・野村 優菜・張 慧理, Domestic, Oral presentation (general), 2022.09, 2022/09/062022/09/07, 第25回日本水環境学会シンポジウム, 東京, 日本水環境学会, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • Organic Wastewater Compounds in Sewage Treatment Plant, Hospital Discharge and Drainage Canal System in Galle city, Sri Lanka

    Do Thi Thuy Quyen, Otaki. M. and Chaminda T., Domestic, 2021.07, , The Water and Environment Technology Conference, Online, Japan Society of Water Environment, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • 合成DNAを用いたUV不活化反応効率の検証

    山田裕子,大瀧雅寛, Domestic, 2021.03, , 第55回日本水環境学会年会, オンライン開催, (社)日本水環境学会, Not Invited, Coauthor

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Prize for Research Activities 【 display / non-display

  • 日本オゾン協会論文賞

    日本オゾン協会, 大瀧 雅寛, Evaluation of human norovirus genogroup-II (HNoV-II) inactivation, 2022.06, Domestic, Honored in official journal of a scientific society, scientific journal

Industrial Property 【 display / non-display

  • 紫外線照射量情報評価装置及び紫外線照射量情報評価方法

    大瀧雅寛, お茶の水女子大学

    Application number (特願2015-061207, 2015.03.24) Registration number (6397362, 2018.09.07)

Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)2022, 3,300Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)/(Exploratory)2021, 2,300Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)2021, 5,300Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Challenging Research (Pioneering)/(Exploratory)2020, 2,700Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)2020, 4,100Thousand yen

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Contributions as an officer, member, etc., of an academic society 【 display / non-display

  • 2016.10 - now,the Vice-Chairperson, Domestic

  • 2016.06 - now,the Chairperson, Domestic

  • 2010.10 - now,the Chairperson, Domestic

  • 2009.08 - 2010.06,Committee Member, Domestic

  • 2009.06 - now,Trustee, Domestic

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Open lectures; lectures, courses, and seminars; guest lectures; etc. 【 display / non-display

  • 三菱UFJ環境財団寄附講義公開シンポジウム「ユーザー主体でのオンサイト型汚水処理設備の適正管理」

    2024.01, お茶の水女子大学

  • 講義「消毒」

    2023.10, 国立保健医療科学院

  • SSH(Super Science High school)実験&講義

    2023.06, 埼玉県立浦和第一女子高等学校

  • 令和4年度水道大学基礎講座「紫外線消毒を用いた水道水の消毒について」

    2022.10, 全国簡易水道協議会, 東京都 全国町村会館, Seminar, workshop

  • SSH(Super Science High school)実験&講義

    2022.07, 埼玉県立浦和第一女子高等学校, お茶の水女子大学

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Media coverage, appearances, commentary, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • 私が特に注目する発表 水道産業新聞

    2023.10.18, 水道産業新聞社

  • 私が特に注目する発表 水道産業新聞

    2022.10.19, 水道産業新聞社

  • 私が特に注目する発表 水道産業新聞

    2019.11.01, 水道産業新聞社

  • 私が特に注目する発表 水道産業新聞

    2017.11.01, 水道産業新聞社

  • 水源水質の変動・悪化に対応するための最新の浄水処理技術 環境浄化技術

    2015.05.01, 日本工業出版

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