Kyoko Yamakoshi




Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures

Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures

Faculty of Letters and Education Languages and Culture


Languages and Culture

Education Organization (Master's Program)

English and French Languages, Literatures and Cultures

Education Organization (Doctoral Program)

Language, Literature, and Culture


Research Keywords 【 display / non-display

  • Linguistics, Generative Grammar, First and Second Language Acquisition

Academic 【 display / non-display

  • Cornell University, Graduate School(Doctor's Course), 2008.01, 論文博士, United States

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Ph.D., コーネル大学 (Cornell University), 2008.01

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Research Organization, the Core Section The Cultural Sciences Division, Associate Professor, 2012.04 - 2015.03

  • Faculty of Core Research Humanities Division, Associate Professor, 2015.04 - 2022.03

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures, 2012.04 - 2015.03

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures, 2015.04 -

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Comparative Studies of Societies and Cultures, 2012.04 - 2015.03

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • 『不思議に満ちたことばの世界 下巻』

    子どもの「しか~ない」の習得について, 開拓社, 2017.05, 山腰京子, 高見健一・行田勇・大野英樹, Scholarly book, 63-67

  • 『ことばの思想家50人』

    ブラウン、カメロン、ヴィゴツキー 担当, Fifty Key Thinkers on Language and Linguistics, 朝倉書店, 2016.08, 中島平三 総監訳/瀬田幸人・田子内健介 監訳, Margaret Thomas, Scholarly book

  • An Enterprise on the Cognitive Science of Language: A Festschrift for Yukio Otsu

    Children’s Interpretations of Quantifier Scope Interactions in Japanese., Hitsuji Shobo, 2008, Kyoko Yamakoshi, Scholarly book, 521-534

  • 『言語科学の真髄を求めて―中島平三教授還暦記念論文集―』

    「かき混ぜとWH疑問詞・全称数量詞の獲得について」, ひつじ書房, 2006, 山腰 京子, 鈴木右文・水野佳三・高見健一, Scholarly book, 327 - 340

  • Empirical and Theoretical Investigations into Language: A Festschrift for Masaru Kajita

    Notes on Null Subjects in Children’s Wh-drop questions, Kaitakusha, 2003, YAMAKOSHI Kyoko, CHIBA Shuji et al, Scholarly book, 836 - 845

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Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Early acquisition of the focus expression sika-nai ‘nothing but’ in Japanese: Absence of sentential-scope interpretations and non-association of sika with topic phrases

    The Proceedings of GALA2017, , 2018.10, YAMAKOSHI, Kyoko, KONOKI Mika, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author

  • Children's acquisition of subject and object clefts in Japanese

    The Proceedings of the 13th Workshop on Altaic Formal Linguistics , , 2018.07, OHBA Akari, YAMAKOSHI Kyoko , Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor

  • 幼児による「しか..ない」の習得について

    第150回日本言語学会予稿集, , 2015.06, Original, Research paper (other academic), Capital Author

  • Children’s Interpretations of Quantifier Scope Interactions in Japanese

    Japanese/Korean Linguistics, , vol.20, 2013, YAMAKOSHI kyoko, Original, Research paper (international conference proceedings), Single Author

  • The Collective-Distribute Reading of Each and Every in Language Acquisition

    Proceedings of Generative Approaches to Language Acquisition North America 4, , 2011, NOVOGRODSKY Rama, ROEPER Tom, YAMAKOSHI Kyoko, Original, Research paper (international conference proceedings), Coauthor

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • 『言語理論・言語獲得理論から見たキータームと名著解題』

    名著解題58 Thornton, R. (2008)担当, p.288-290., 開拓社, 2023.03, 遊佐典昭・小泉政利・野村忠央・増富和浩, Manual etc., Joint Work

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • 「名詞句 + 格助詞・後置詞」が最初に現れる関係代名詞節の幼児の理解について

    目黒美帆・山腰京子, Domestic, 2021.06, , The 22nd Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences , オンライン, 沖縄国際大学, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • 日本語の省略文に関する子どもの解釈について

    末吉薫子・山腰京子, Domestic, 2021.06, , The 22nd Annual International Conference of the Japanese Society for Language Sciences , オンライン, 沖縄国際大学, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • 日本語を母語とする子供のnegative island effectの習得について

    片岡由利絵・池田佳菜子・山腰京子, Domestic, 2018.08, , JSLS国際大会, 文京学院大学, 言語科学会, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • 日本語を母語とする子供の遊離数量詞と連体数量詞の解釈について

    岡田理加・山腰京子, Domestic, 2018.08, , JSLS(言語科学会)国際大会, 文京学院大学, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • The Structure of Sluicing and the Availability of Strict and Sloppy Readings in Child Japanese

    International, 2017.11, , The 42nd Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston University, Boston University, Not Invited, Coauthor

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Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2022, 100Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2021, 50Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2020, 600Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2019, 500Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2018, 600Thousand yen

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Contributions as an officer, member, etc., of an academic society 【 display / non-display

  • 2023.04,External Adviser, Academic society, research group, etc., Domestic

  • 2019.07 - 2022.09,Committee Member, Domestic

  • 2020.07 - 2023.06,Committee Member, Domestic