Research Keywords 【 display / non-display

  • Nonequilibrium Quantum Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Information Theory, Basis of Quantum Mechanics

Research Pursuits 【 display / non-display

  • (1) Time evolution of two interacting qubits under the influence of thermal reservoirs is considered. When there is only one excitation in the whole system, an exact reduced dynamics can be obtained. The result is compared with those obtained by the time-convolutionless and time-convolution quantum master equations in the second order approximation. (2) Time-evolution of the dispersive Jaynes–Cummings model interacting with a bosonic reservoir is considered in the presence of an initial correlation between the cavity field and reservoir. When there is at most one excitation in the whole system, the exact time-evolution can be obtained. (3)Decoherence of a qubit system interacting with a bosonic reservoir is considered when there is at most one excitation in the whole system and there is an initial correlation with the reservoir. An exact timeevolution of the system is obtained and the effect of the initial correlation on the time-evolution is examined in detail. (4) The time evolution of the trace distance between quantum states of a qubit which is placed under the influence of stochastic dephasing is investigated within the framework of the stochastic Liouville equation. When stochastic dephasing is subject to the homogeneous Gauss-Markov process, the trace distance is exactly calculated in the presence of the initial correlation between the qubit and the stochastic process, where the stochastic process is inevitably a nonstationary process. It is found that even the initial correlation with the classical environment can make the trace distance greater than the initial value if stochastic dephasing causes the slow modulation of the qubit.

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • Ph. D, University of Tsukuba

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Research Organization, the Core Section The Natural/Applied Sciences Division, Professor, 2012.04 - 2015.03

  • Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Professor, 2015.04 -

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Advanced Sciences, Professor, 2012.04 - 2015.03

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Advanced Sciences, Professor, 2015.04 -

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Advanced Sciences, 2012.04 - 2015.03

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Books 【 display / non-display

  • Physics of Quanta and Non-equilibrium Systems

    2009.11, F.Shibata, T.Arimitsu, M.Ban and S.Kitajima, Textbook, survey, introduction

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • Quantumness of qubit states interacting with two structured reservoirs in indefinite causal order

    Physics Letters A, Elsevier, , vol.479(p.128927 - ), 2023.08, BAN Masashi, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

  • Quantum Fisher information of phase estimation in the presence of indefinite causal order

    Physics Letters A, Elsevier, , vol.468(p.128749 - ), 2023.04, BAN Masashi, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

  • Phase Estimation for a Single-mode Photon Influenced by Completely Thermalizing Channels with Indefinite Causal Order

    Physics Letters A, Elsevier, , vol.521(p.129744 - ), 2024.10, BAN Masashi, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

  • Continuous variable Teleportation with Indefinite Causal Order

    Quantum Information Processing, Springer, , vol.22(p.367 - ), 2022.11, BAN Masashi, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

  • Quantum Correlations of Two Qubits Indefinitely Interacting with Dephasing Environments

    Quantum Information Processing, Springer, , vol.22(p.231 - ), 2022.07, BAN Masashi, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

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Published Article 【 display / non-display

  • 量子力学における時間発展と測定

    数理科学, 2006, 番雅司

  • 量子情報理論の最近の話題

    量子情報処理デバイス調査研究報告書II, 2003, 番雅司

  • 雑音環境下における非古典的量子状態の連続量量子テレポーテーション

    通信総合研究所季報, 2002, 武岡正裕, 番雅司, 佐々木雅英, Coauthor

  • 量子情報理論

    日本物理学会誌, 2002, 佐々木雅英, 番雅司, Coauthor

  • ディコヒーレンス解消法の現状

    量子情報処理デバイス調査研究報告書I, 2002, 番雅司

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Effect of initial correlation in quantum open system - influence functional method and master equation method

    S. KItajima, M. Ban, F. Shibata, Domestic, 2013.09, , Physical Society of Japan, University of Tokushima, Physical Society of Japan, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • 散逸のあるJaynes-Cummings模型の厳密な扱いⅢ

    S. KItajima, M. Ban, F. Shibata, Domestic, 2013.03, , 日本物理学会 第68回年次大会, 広島大学, 日本物理学会, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • Exact solution of the dissipative Jaynes-Cummings model

    S. Kitajima, F. Shibata, M. Ban, Domestic, 2011.09, , 日本物理学会, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • Quantum master equation for nonequilibrium quantum system

    F. Shibata, S. Kitajima, M. Ban, Domestic, 2011.09, , 日本物理学会, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • 古典雑音による量子情報のディコヒーレンスとその制御

    宇野政子、北島佐知子、番雅司、柴田文明, Domestic, 2008.03, , 日本物理学会第63回年次大会, 近畿大学, 日本物理学会, Not Invited, Coauthor

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Industrial Property 【 display / non-display

  • 量子干渉計測システム


  • 暗号化装置及び方法
