Research Keywords 【 display / non-display 】
Marine Plant, Evolution, Conservation Ecology
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Research Organization, the Core Section The Natural/Applied Sciences Division, Associate Professor, 2012.04 - 2015.03
Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Associate Professor, 2015.04 - 2019.03
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Life Sciences, Associate Professor, 2012.04 - 2015.03
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Life Sciences, Associate Professor, 2015.04 -
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Life Sciences, Associate Professor, 2012.04 - 2015.03
Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
Life Science / Life Science / Biodiversity and systematics
Books 【 display / non-display 】
海の観察ガイド. 千葉県館山市沖ノ島周辺. 海岸植物編
2019.01, Textbook, survey, introduction
海の観察ガイド. 伊豆半島. 海の植物編
2018.01, Textbook, survey, introduction, 227-236
第11章「海藻類・海草類」, 恒星社厚生閣, 2017.04, 日本付着生物学会(編), Textbook, survey, introduction, 227-236
海藻の疑問50 みんなが知りたいシリーズ1
Q22「海ぶどうが単細胞生物ってホント?」, 成山堂書店, 2016.06, 日本藻類学会(編), Report, 73-75
海の観察ガイド. 千葉県館山市沖ノ島. 海の植物編 第2版
2016.01, 嶌田智, Dictionary, encyclopedia
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Enteromorpha-like Ulva (Ulvophyceae, Chlorophyta) growing in the Todoroki River, Ishigaki island, Japan, with special reference to Ulva meridionalis Horimoto et Shimada sp. nov.
Bulletion of the National Science Museum, , 2011.11, Rika Horimoto, Yuka Masakiyo, Kensuke Ichihara & Satoshi Shimada, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author
Isolation and temporal expression analysis of freshwater-induced genes in Ulva limnetica (Ulvales, Chlorophyta).
Journal of Phycology, , 2011.08, Kensuke Ichihara, Frederic Mineur & Satoshi Shimada, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author
Morphological variations of the seagrass species, Halophila nipponica (Hydrocharitaceae, Alismatales).
Coastal Marine Science, , 2011.04, Satoshi Shimada, Maki Watanabe, Kensuke Ichihara & Masayuki Uchimura, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author
Culture and hybridization experiments on an Ulva clade including the Qingdao strain blooming in the Yellow Sea
PLoS ONE, , 2011.04, Masanori Hiraoka, Kensuke Ichihara, Wenrong Zhu, Jiahai Ma & Satoshi Shimada, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author
Phylogeographic analysis of the genus Ulva (Ulvales, Chlorophyta), including bloom sample in Qingdao, China
2010.04, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Facination to Aqua Plants -Systematisc, Evoluton & Taxonomy-
Domestic, 2008, , 870th Biological Seminar in Tokyo University, Invited, Main Speaker
Diversity of genus Ulva & relationship between Algae and earth environment -from birth of Algae to application-
Domestic, 2008, , 3rd Project Seminar of Green Bio Business Creation, Invited, Main Speaker
Diversity and Evolution of Marine Plants
Domestic, 2008, , Joint Seminar of University of Marine Science and Technology, Invited, Main Speaker
Forcing Cultivation of Marine Plants Using CO2
Domestic, 2005, , Seminar of Biomass Production, Invited, Main Speaker
Systematics and evolution of multinucleated cell algae
Domestic, 2004, , 28th Symposium of the Botanical Society of Japan, Invited, Main Speaker
Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2013, 0Thousand yen
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2011, 0Thousand yen
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2010, 1,200,000Thousand yen
若手研究(A)2007, 3,000,000Thousand yen
若手研究(A)2006, 4,200,000Thousand yen
Contributions as an officer, member, etc., of an academic society 【 display / non-display 】
2023.01 - now,Committee Member, Domestic
2023.01 - 2024.12,External Adviser, Domestic
2022.01 - now,Committee Member, International
2021.01 - now,Committee Member, Domestic
2021.01 - now,Committee Member, Domestic
Open lectures; lectures, courses, and seminars; guest lectures; etc. 【 display / non-display 】
SSH 講師 山梨南高校
SSH 講師 川越女子高校
SSH 講師 川口市立高校
SSH 講師 川口市立高校
Media coverage, appearances, commentary, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
- 北海道新聞
- 北海道新聞
- 日本テレビ 鉄腕ダッシュ
- 琉球新報