
Associate Professor


Research Organization for the Development of Comprehensive Knowledge Institute for Competency Development

Transdisciplinary Humanities Data Engineering


Faculty of Transdisciplinary Engineering Humanities Data Engineering

Education Organization (Master's Program)

History and Art History

Education Organization (Doctoral Program)

Comparative Social Studies


Degree 【 display / non-display

  • 博士(文学), 早稲田大学, 2013.06

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • Faculty of Core Research Humanities Division, Associate Professor, 2020.04 - 2022.03

  • Research Organization for the Development of Comprehensive Knowledge Institute for Competency Development, Associate Professor, 2022.04 -

  • Transdisciplinary Humanities Data Engineering, Associate Professor, 2024.04 -

External Career 【 display / non-display

  • the University of California, Los Angeles(UCLA) Asian Languages and Culture, Visiting Associate Professor, 2022.04 - 2022.06

Research Field 【 display / non-display


Books 【 display / non-display

  • 江戸の黙阿弥――善人を描く

    春風社2020.12, 埋忠美沙, Scholarly book

  • 〔未翻刻戯曲集27〕菖蒲太刀対侠客

    解題, 日本芸術文化振興会, 2021.02, 埋忠美沙, 国立劇場調査養成部, Scholarly book, 1-10

  • 歌舞伎の出口・入口 : 郡司正勝先生二十三回忌追善

    「青砥稿花紅彩画」の出口・入口, 郡司正勝先生研究会, 2020.04, 埋忠美沙, 郡司正勝先生研究会, Scholarly book, 39-42

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • 早稲田大学演劇博物館所蔵「肉筆上方芝居絵帖」1

    演劇研究, (45), 2022.03, 埋忠 美沙, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

Published Article 【 display / non-display

  • 伝統芸能の保護と振興―文化庁と国立劇場

    比較日本学教育研究部門年報(19)(p.126 - 142), 2023.03, 石橋健一郎・金子健・埋忠美沙, Original, Coauthor, Except for reviews, Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • 権三と助十 歌舞伎名作案内[第121回]

    演劇界(2021年7月), 2021.06, 埋忠 美沙, Original, Single Author, Except for reviews, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)

  • 西郷さんのキャラ設定。

    東京人, vol.439(2021年5月)(p.9 - ), 2021.04, 埋忠美沙, Original, Single Author, Except for reviews, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)

  • 歌舞伎とマンガ

    グローバルリーダーシップ研究所比較日本学教育研究部門年報(17)(p.126 - 145), 2021.03, 坂東巳之助・中野博之・埋忠美沙, Original, Coauthor, Except for reviews, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • 小春穏沖津白浪 歌舞伎名作案内[第117回]

    演劇界(2021年3月)(p.106 - 107), 2021.02, 埋忠 美沙, Original, Single Author, Except for reviews, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (trade magazine, newspaper, online media)

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • わたしの学術書 : 博士論文書籍化をめぐって

    結び、そして繋ぐ, 春風社, (p.393 - 399), 2022.04, 埋忠美沙, Other, Joint Work

Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • 黙阿弥研究・この三十年

    埋忠美沙, Domestic, Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 2023.12, , 歌舞伎学会大会, 早稲田大学, 歌舞伎学会, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • 歌舞伎のキャラクター

    埋忠美沙, International, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2023.04, 2023/04/282023/04/30, KYARACHTERS on the other side of narrative, Los Angeles(USA), UCLA ・早稲田大学(YANAI INITIATIVE ), Invited, Main Speaker

  • 日本左衛門の恋人――奴の小万をめぐって

    埋忠美沙, Domestic, Oral presentation (general), 2022.10, , 藝能史研究會例会, オンライン, 藝能史研究會, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • 伝統芸能の保護と振興――文化庁と国立劇場

    石橋健一郎・金子健・埋忠美沙, Domestic, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2022.01, , 未来へつなぐ伝統芸能プロジェクト, オンライン配信, お茶の水女子大学, Coauthor

  • 歌舞伎とマンガ

    坂東巳之助・中野博之・埋忠美沙, Domestic, Public lecture, seminar, tutorial, course, or other speech, 2020.12, 2020/12/012020/12/01, 未来へつなぐ伝統芸能プロジェクト, お茶の水女子大学徽音堂, お茶の水女子大学 , Not Invited, Coauthor

Prize for Research Activities 【 display / non-display

  • 歌舞伎学会奨励賞

    歌舞伎学会, 埋忠 美沙, 埋忠美沙『江戸の黙阿弥 善人を描く』(春風社), 2021.12, Domestic

  • 第16回林屋辰三郎藝能史研究奨励賞

    藝能史研究會, 埋忠 美沙, 埋忠美沙『江戸の黙阿弥 善人を描く』(春風社), 2021.06, Domestic

  • 第53回日本演劇学会河竹賞奨励賞

    日本演劇学会, 埋忠 美沙, 埋忠美沙『江戸の黙阿弥 善人を描く』(春風社), 2021.06, Domestic

Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2022, 500,000Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Publication of Scientific Research Results (Scientific Literature)2020, 1,500,000Thousand yen


Contributions as an officer, member, etc., of an academic society 【 display / non-display

  • 2021.04 - now,Committee Member, Domestic

  • 2018.04 - now,Committee Member, Domestic