
Vice President, Professor


Trustee and Vice President, Vice President

Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division

Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences Human-Environmental Science

Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Human Centered Engineering

Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Human Centered Engineering

Transdisciplinary Human-Centered Engineering


Faculty of Transdisciplinary Engineering Human-Centered Engineering

Education Organization (Master's Program)

Human Centeered Engineering

Education Organization (Doctoral Program)

Human Centerd Engineering



Research Keywords 【 display / non-display

  • non-invasive biological measurement, magnetic stimulation, stance and gait function, smart house, RFID tag

Research Pursuits 【 display / non-display

  • Current research themes are listed below.
    (1)We developed a novel device, integrated into a shoe, to monitor plantar pressure under real life conditions by reducing the spatial and temporal resolution. The device consists of a shoe insole with seven pressure-sensitive conductive rubber sensors and a wireless data transmission unit incorporated into a smaller measurement unit. By using the device, we collected gait & stance functions from various elderly persons.
    (2)Heart rate measurement based on a time-lapse image. Using the time-lapse image acquired from a CCD camera, we have developed a non-contact and non-invasive device which could measure both the respiratory and pulse rate simultaneously. Through human experiments, it was found that the method could be used for a non-invasive stress monitor.
    (3)We proposed a new non-invasive gait monitoring technique as a healthcare application and installed it in the experimental house (Ocha house). Several accelerometers were fixed on the floor of the house, and the floor vibration was measured when the subject walked along the accelerometers.

Educational Pursuits 【 display / non-display

  • Exercise in math and physics 1-3, Physics, Human anatomy, Biomedical engineering, Environmental physics(Ochanomizu University)
    Electrical Engineering(Ikemi Gakuen)
    Medical Engineering(Chuo University)
    An Introduction to Biomechanics(Chiba University)
    Medical Electronics 1(Tokyo University of Science)
    Assistive technology(The open university of Japan)

Academic 【 display / non-display

  • University of Tokyo, Faculty of Engineering, Department of precision machinery engineering, University, 卒業, Japan

  • 東京大学大学院, 工学系研究科, 精密機械工学専攻, 大学院(修士課程), 修了, Japan

  • 東京大学, 工学系研究科, 大学院(その他), 1992.04, 論文博士, Japan

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • 工学士, 東京大学

  • 工学修士, 東京大学大学院

  • 博士(工学), 東京大学, 1992.04

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • Trustee and Vice President, Vice President, Vice President, 2021.04 -

  • Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Vice President, Professor, 2015.04 -

  • Faculty of Human Life and Environmental Sciences Human-Environmental Science, Professor, 2011.01 -

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Human Centered Engineering, Professor, 2016.04 -

  • Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Human Centered Engineering, Professor, 2016.04 -

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Research Field 【 display / non-display


Books 【 display / non-display

  • 運動情報に基づく人工心臓弁機能評価のためのin vivo試験及びin vitro試験の統合に関する研究

    東京大学工学系研究科1992.04, 太田裕治, Report

  • ライフサイエンス入門

    11章バイオメディカルエンジニアリング, オーム社, 2002, 太田裕治他, 室伏きみ子編著., Textbook, survey, introduction, 141-153

  • 健康・福祉工学ガイドブック

    排泄支援機器, 工業調査会, 2001, 太田裕治他, 山越編著, Dictionary, encyclopedia, 100-103

  • 次世代センサハンドブック

    第8章「医用システム」手術支援機器のためのセンサ, 培風館, 2008.06, 太田裕治他, Dictionary, encyclopedia

  • 骨研究最前線~代謝・疾病のメカニズムから再生医療・創薬・リハビリ機器・機能性食品開発まで~

    転倒による骨折防止のための歩行バランス機能計測靴デバイスの開発, 出版社エヌ・ティー・エス, 2013.10, 太田裕治・中嶋香奈子・安在絵美・山下和彦, General book, introductory book for general audience, 265-271

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Papers 【 display / non-display

  • 無電極電気刺激としての磁気刺激における誘導電流の集束

    人工臓器, , 1995, 太田裕治,土肥健純,堀内孝, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author

  • 拍動流循環モデルを用いたOmnicarbon弁後方流れの乱流解析-開放角低下現象の一評価方法-

    人工臓器, , 1997, 太田裕治,多田洋子,土肥健純,堀内孝, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author

  • 心房収縮が僧帽弁位人工弁の閉鎖挙動に与える影響の工学的検討

    人工臓器, , 1997, 苗村潔,土肥健純,泉佳友子,藤本哲男,梅津光生,北村昌也,小柳仁,太田裕治, Original, Coauthor

  • 弁機能不全の早期発見を目的としたウェーブレット変換による乱流解析

    ライフサポート, , 1998, 太田裕治,岡本弘志,菅野将弘,山本秀美,土肥健純,松本博志, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author

  • 手術支援を目的とした画像合成システムに関する研究

    日本コンピュータ外科学会誌, , 2000, 太田裕治,岡本弘志,正宗賢,佐久間一郎,土肥健純,伊関洋,高倉公朋, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author

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Published Article 【 display / non-display

  • The atomic force microscope: a new tool for artificial organ research

    J Artificial Organs, 1999, Ohta Y, Okamoto H, Okuda T, Horiuchi T, Coauthor, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)

  • 受動運動を利用したニューロリハビリテーションデバイス.

    民族科学, 2011, Yuji OHTA, Single Author, Other

  • 3次元距離測定カメラの生体計測への応用

    民族科学, 2011, Yuji OHTA, Single Author

  • Development of a management system for surgery by using medical IC tag

    2011, Coauthor

  • リハビリテーションのための新しいデバイス

    民族科学, 2007, 太田裕治, Other

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • 厚生労働科学研究(障害保健福祉総合研究事業) 総合研究報告書 平成14~16年度

    2005.04, 太田裕治, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report

  • 厚生労働科学研究(障害保健福祉総合研究事業)平成14年度研究報告書

    2003.04, 太田裕治,中澤公孝, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report, Joint Work

  • 厚生労働科学研究(障害保健福祉総合研究事業)平成15年度研究報告書

    2004.04, 太田裕治,中澤公孝, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report, Joint Work

  • 厚生労働科学研究(障害保健福祉総合研究事業)平成16年度研究報告書

    2005.04, 太田裕治,中澤公孝, Public Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report, Joint Work

  • 歩行機能回復のための神経リハビリテーション工学.国際学術研究助成 研究成果報告書 平成14~16年度(財団法人 平和中島財団)

    2006.05, 太田裕治,Riener R., Private Grants-in-Aid for Scientific Research Report, Joint Work

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Development of an open-loop type artificial B-cell

    Ohta Y, Dohi T, Funakubo H, Sakuma I, Yasuda H, Niwa H, Oka H, International, 1986.11, , 2nd ISBMRE, 上海, ライフサポート学会, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • Development of computer aided motion analyzing (CAMA) system for implanted tilting disk valve

    Ohta Y, Horiuchi T, Matsumoto H, Ide H and Dohi T, International, 1990, , 4th ISBMRE, ライフサポート学会, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • Eye motion communication system for the bedridden patients.

    Ohta Y, Sako T, Horiuchi T, Dohi T, Domestic, 1991, , Med. & Biol. Eng. & Comput, Kyoto, IFMBE, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • Integration of in vivo motion analysis and in vitro hemodynamic study on heart valve prostheses

    Ohta Y, Horiuchi T, Dohi T, Matsumoto H and Umezu M, International, 1991, , Int. Conf. on Artif. Organs, Int. Soc. Artif. Organs, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • Development of double pulse magnetic stimulator

    Ohta Y, Suzuki M, Dohi T and Horiuchi T., International, 1992, , 5th ISBMRE, ライフサポート学会, Not Invited, Main Speaker

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Work 【 display / non-display

  • Development of a New Mobility Device Having Standing-position Walk and Seating- position Movement


Prize for Research Activities 【 display / non-display

  • Fellowship award

    American Society for Artificial Internal Organs, Yuji OHTA, 講演論文, 1991.10, International

  • バリアフリー財団賞

    ライフサポート学会, 太田裕治, 講演論文, 1998.10, Domestic

  • 日本人工臓器学会2004年度論文賞

    日本人工臓器学会, 太田裕治, 論文, 2004.09, Domestic

  • 第31回特殊教育教材教具展示会 障害児教育財団理事長奨励賞 銅賞

    障害児教育財団, 太田裕治, VR避難訓練システム, 2006.11, Domestic

  • 第7回社団法人計測自動制御学会システムインテグレーション部門講演会優秀講演賞

    社団法人計測自動制御学会, 太田裕治ほか, 学術講演, 2006.12, Domestic

Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display

  • 文部省科学研究費奨励研究A1990, 700Thousand yen

  • 文部省科学研究費奨励研究A1991, 1,100Thousand yen

  • 文部省科学研究費奨励研究A1995, 900Thousand yen

  • 文部省科学研究費奨励研究A1996, 1,000Thousand yen

  • 文部省科学研究費奨励研究A2000, 1,000Thousand yen

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Contributions as an officer, member, etc., of an academic society 【 display / non-display

  • 1997.04 - 2009.03,External Adviser, Domestic

  • 2002.04 - 2011.05,External Adviser, Domestic

  • 2001.04 - 2018.06,Trustee, Domestic

  • 2001.04 - 2009.03,External Adviser, Domestic

  • 1997.04 - 2011.04,External Adviser, Domestic

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Open lectures; lectures, courses, and seminars; guest lectures; etc. 【 display / non-display

  • 電気でからだをなおす(文京区教育センター子ども科学カレッジ)

    2014.08, 文京区

  • フットケアと運動で元気アップ教室

    2008.10, 世田谷保健所

  • ヘルスアップのための体験型公開プログラム

    2008.02, 東京医療保健大学

  • フットケアと運動で元気アップ教室

    2008.01, 台東保健所

  • ヘルスアップのための体験型公開プログラム

    2007.11, 東京医療保健大学

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Media coverage, appearances, commentary, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • 日経デジタルヘルス


  • テレビ東京 ワールドビジネスサテライト


  • 未来の起源~若き研究者たちの挑戦~(TBS)


  • 日経産業新聞


  • 日経産業新聞


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