Research Keywords 【 display / non-display 】
homology, topology, polymer network, elasticity
Research Pursuits 【 display / non-display 】
We show an exact evaluation of the mean square radius of gyration for the set of Gaussian chains describing the ideal topological polymer or ideal polymer network for a given graph which we call topologically constrained random walks (TCRW) of the graph.
Future Research Plans, Research Prospects, and Joint Research Potential 【 display / non-display 】
Research Interests
1.Statistical physics of polymers, in particular, that of topological polymers such as ring polymers, multiple-ring polymers, polymers of theta graphs and complete bipartite graphs
2.Molecular dynamical simulation of topological polymers in solution and in melt
3.Non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum many-body systems, thermalization and equilibration of isolated quantum systems
4.Mathematical physics of exactly solvable models in statistical physics and quantum dynamics
5.Integrable quantum spin chains solved by the Bethe-ansatz method
Academic 【 display / non-display 】
University of Tokyo, University, 1987.03, 卒業, Japan
University of Tokyo, Graduate School(Master's Course), 1989.03, 修了, Japan
University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate School(Doctor's Course), 1990.03, 中退, Japan
University of Tokyo, Graduate School of Science, Department of Physics, Graduate School(Doctor's Course), 1992.07, 論文博士, Japan
Degree 【 display / non-display 】
学士, 東京大学, 1987.03
修士, 東京大学大学院, 1989.03
Ph. D in Physics, University of Tokyo, 1992.07
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Research Organization, the Core Section The Natural/Applied Sciences Division, Professor, 2012.04 - 2015.03
Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Professor, 2015.04 -
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Advanced Sciences, 2012.04 - 2015.03
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Doctral Program Advanced Sciences, 2015.04 -
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Advanced Sciences, 2012.04 - 2015.03
External Career 【 display / non-display 】
University of Tokyo Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Research Associate, 1990.04 - 1994.03
Research Field 【 display / non-display 】
Natural Science / Natural Science / Mathematical physics and fundamental theory of condensed matter physics
Natural Science / Natural Science / Biophysics, chemical physics and soft matter physics
Books 【 display / non-display 】
Topological Polymer Chemistry: Concepts and Practices
Springer2022.02, Tezuka Y., Deguchi T., Scholarly book
Topological Polymer Chemistry: Progress in cyclic polymers in syntheses, properties and functions
Topological effects on the statistical and dynamical properties of ring polymers in solution, World Scientific Publishing, 2013, Tetsuo Deguchi, Kyoichi Tsurusaki, Y. Tezuka, Scholarly book, 221-264
`Statistical physics and topology of polymers with ramifications to structure and function of DNA and proteins
Progress of Theoretical Physics Supplement2011.11, T. Deguchi, H. Hayakawa, K. Shimokawa, A. Stasiak and K. Tsurusaki, Scholarly book
New Trends in Quantum Integrable Systems
Algebraic aspects of the correlation functions of the integrable higher-spin XXZ spin chains with arbitrary entries, World Scientific Publishing Co. , 2011, Tetsuo Deguchi and Chihiro Matsui, Scholarly book, 11-33
岩波書店2006.12, 出口哲生、和達三樹、十河清, Textbook, survey, introduction
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Rotaxane Formation of Multicyclic Polydimethylsiloxane in a Silicone Network: A Step toward Constructing “Macro-Rotaxanes” from High-Molecular-Weight Axle and Wheel Components
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., Wiley, , vol.62(35)(p.e202304493 - ), 2023.07, Minami Ebe, Asuka Soga, Kaiyu Fujiwara, Brian J. Ree, Hironori Marubayashi, Katsumi Hagita, Atsushi Imasaki, Miru Baba, Takuya Yamamoto, Kenji Tajima, Tetsuo Deguchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Takuya Isono, Toshifumi Satoh, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor
Miscibility and exchange chemical potential of ring polymers in symmetric ring–ring blends
Soft Matter, The Royal Society of Chemistry, , vol.19(21)(p.3818 - 3829), 2023.05, Takahiro Ohkuma, Katsumi Hagita, Takahiro Murashima, Tetsuo Deguchi, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor
Dynamics of quantum double dark-solitons and an exact finite-size scaling of Bose-Einstein condensation
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., IOP, , vol.56(p.164001 - ), 2023.04, Kayo Kinjo, Jun Sato, Tetsuo Deguchi, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor
Molecular Dynamics of Topological Barriers on the Crystallization Behavior of Ring Polyethylene Melts with Trefoil Knots
Macromolecules, American Chemical Society, , vol.56(p.15 - 27), 2022.12, Hagita, Katsumi; Murashima, Takahiro; Sakata, Naoki; Shimokawa, Koya; Deguchi, Tetsuo; Uehara, Erica; Fujiwara, Susumu, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor
Radius of Gyration, Contraction Factors, and Subdivisions of Topological Polymers
J. Phys. A: Math. Theor., IOP, , vol. 55 (p.475202 - ), 2022.11, Jason Cantarella, Tetsuo Deguchi, Clayton Shonkwiler, Erica Uehara , Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor
Published Article 【 display / non-display 】
高分子( KOBUNSHI HIGH POLYMERS, JAPAN), vol.70(12)(p.645 - 648), 2021.12, 出口哲生, Survey, Single Author, Accepted, Other
日本物理学会誌, vol.70(6)(p.419 - 426), 2015.06, 出口 哲生、佐藤 純、上西 慧理子, Survey, Capital Author, Accepted, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
量子統計力学の可解模型: 素励起、臨界現象、非平衡ダイナミクス
物性研究(電子版), vol.4(1)(p.041204 - ), 2015.02, 出口 哲生, Survey, Single Author, Accepted, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
表面科学, vol.34(1)(p.15 - 20), 2013.01, 出口 哲生, Survey, Single Author, Accepted, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
高分子論文集, vol.68(12)(p.804 - 810), 2011.12, 平山 尚美、津留崎 恭一、出口 哲生, Survey, Coauthor, Accepted, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (scientific journal)
Review Papers 【 display / non-display 】
環状高分子におけるトポロジー効果の理論, シーエムシー出版, (p.10 - 20), 2018.12, 出口 哲生、上原 恵理香, 手塚育志, Manual etc., Joint Work
Interface between Quantum Information and Statistical Physics
Exact analysis of correlation functions of the XXZ chain, World Scientific, Singapore, 2012.02, Tetsuo Deguchi, Kohei Motegi and Jun Sato, M. Nakahara and S. Tanaka, Other, Joint Work
高分子のトポロジーー絡み合いと結び目, エヌ・ティー・エス(ブッカ―ズ), (p.167 - 172), 2009, 出口 哲生, Manual etc., Individual
位相幾何学の物質・材料研究への応用可能性, エヌ・ティー・エス(ブッカ―ズ), (p.141 - 152), 2009, Manual etc., Joint Work
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
Exact elasticity of a phantom network through homology
Tetsuo Deguchi, Jason Cantarella, Clayton Shonkwiler, Erica Uehara, International, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2022.12, 2022/12/152022/12/17, OCAMI “Space-time topology and geometry with a focus on vorticity and magnetic fields”, Hakata, Kyushu University, Invited, Main Speaker
Exact approach to the elasticity of phantom polymer networks via application of homology
Tetsuo Deguchi, Jason Cantarella, Clayton Shonkwiler, Erica Uehara, International, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2022.11, 2022/11/282022/11/30, International Conference on “Topology and its Applications to Engineering and Life Science”, Tokyo, Meiji University, Invited, Main Speaker
Exact non-equilibrium dynamics of quantum double dark-solitons in the 1D Bose gas
Kayo Kinjo, Jun Sato, and Tetsuo Deguchi, International, Poster presentation, 2022.08, 2022/08/182022/08/24, The 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Sapporo, Not Invited, Main Speaker
Topologically Constrained Phase Profile of a Quantum Dark Soliton in a One-dimensional Ring
Kayo Kinjo, Jun Sato, Tetsuo Deguchi, International, Poster presentation, 2022.08, 2022/08/182022/08/24, The 29th International Conference on Low Temperature Physics, Aug 18-24, 2022, Sapporo, Japan (LT29) , Sapporo, Not Invited, Coauthor
Exact evaluation of the mean-square fluctuation of the position vector of a cross-link point in the Gaussian network
Tetsuo Deguchi, International, 2021.06, , BIRS Workshop Novel Mathematical Methods in Material Science: Applications to Biomaterials (Online) (21w5232) , Banff (Canada), Banff International Research Station, Not Invited, Main Speaker
Prize for Research Activities 【 display / non-display 】
西宮市, 出口哲生、阿久津泰弘, 可解統計力学模型に基づく結び目理論, 1994.10, Domestic
Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display 】
戦略的創造研究推進事業 JST CREST, Tetsuo Deguchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Toshifumi Satoh, JST, 2022, 34,179,000Thousand yen
戦略的創造研究推進事業 JST CREST, Tetsuo Deguchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Toshifumi Satoh, JST, 2022, 28,669,000Thousand yen
戦略的創造研究推進事業 JST CREST, Tetsuo Deguchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Toshifumi Satoh, 2023, 27,679,000Thousand yen
戦略的創造研究推進事業 JST CREST, Tetsuo Deguchi, 2021, 15,677,000Thousand yen
戦略的創造研究推進事業 JST CREST, Tetsuo Deguchi, Hiroshi Jinnai, Toshifumi Satoh, 2020, 19,893,000Thousand yen
Contributions as an officer, member, etc., of an academic society 【 display / non-display 】
2012.10 - 2014.03,the Chairperson, Domestic
2011.10 - 2012.09,the Vice-Chairperson, Domestic
2011.09 - 2013.03,Committee Member, Domestic
2006.09 - now,Committee Member, 1347-4073, Domestic
2005.09 - 2007.08,Committee Member, Domestic
Open lectures; lectures, courses, and seminars; guest lectures; etc. 【 display / non-display 】
拓殖大学理工学総合研究所主催公開講座:高分子の科学 「高分子とトポロジー」
2013.11, 拓殖大学
Summer School 数理物理 2012 「ランダム結び目と環状高分子の統計物理」
2012.09, 東京大学大学院数理科学研究科
平成20年度静岡県立大学大学院生活健康科学研究科特別講義 DNAの結び目とソフトマター物理学
2008.06, 静岡県立大学大学院生活健康科学研究科 一ノ瀬祥一教授
2006.11, 都立三鷹高校 進路指導部 澤崎 陽彦
2004.12, 群馬県立高崎女子高等学校
Media coverage, appearances, commentary, etc. 【 display / non-display 】
- 読売新聞朝刊