MIYAKE Ryosuke
Research Keywords 【 display / non-display 】
coordination chemistry, supramolecular chemistry, crystal-to-crystal transformation, self-assembly, peptide
Campus Career 【 display / non-display 】
Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Associate Professor, 2024.04 -
Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences, Education Organization, Master's Program Advanced Sciences, 2015.04 -
Faculty of Science Chemistry, 2012.04 -
Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Lecturer, 2017.04 - 2024.03
Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Assistant Professor, 2015.04 - 2017.03
Class management data 【 display / non-display 】
Papers 【 display / non-display 】
Cysteine-based protein folding modulators for trapping intermediates and misfolded forms
vol.12(p.26658 - 26664), 2022.11, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor
有機合成協会誌, , 2022.05, 三宅亮介, Survey, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author
Humitidity-Responsive ON/OFF Switching of Gas Inclusion by Using Cooperative Opening/Closing of Heterogeneous Crystalline Cavities in a Peptide Ni(II)-Macrocycle
Chemistry a European Journal, , vol.24(p.793 - 797), 2018.01, Ryosuke Miyake, Chika Kuwata, Manami Ueno, Teppei Yamada, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author
Dynamic Crystalline Nano-cavities of Peptide Metallo-macrocycles with Counter anions
The Bulletin of the Society of Nano Science and Technology, , 2013.04, Ryosuke Miyake, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author
A Cyclopalladated Complex of Corannulene with a Pyridine Pendant and its Columnar Self-Assembly
Dalton Trans., , 2013.02, Mihoko Yamada, Shohei Tashiro, Ryosuke Miyake and Mitsuhiko Shionoya, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor
Published Article 【 display / non-display 】
高分子, vol.71(4)(p.154 - 155), 2022.04, 三宅亮介, Original, Single Author, Accepted, Other
化学と工業, vol.74(2)(p.94), 2021.02, 三宅 亮介, Original, Single Author, Accepted, Other
Presentations 【 display / non-display 】
三野村 ひな子・菅沼 瑛里・三宅 亮介, Domestic, 2023.03, , 第103回日本化学会春季年会, 野田, 日本化学会, Not Invited, Coauthor
田中 頌子・王 珂云・岸本 直樹・三宅 亮介, Domestic, 2023.03, , 第103回日本化学会春季年会, 野田, 日本化学会, Not Invited, Coauthor
三宅 亮介・佐藤 優衣・田中 頌子, Domestic, Oral presentation (general), 2022.09, , 第32回基礎有機化学討論会, 京都, 基礎有機化学会, Not Invited, Main Speaker
田中 頌子・三宅 亮介, Domestic, 2022.09, , 錯体化学会第72回討論会, 福岡, 錯体化学会, Not Invited, Coauthor
三宅亮介・佐藤優衣・田中頌子, Domestic, 2022.06, , 第19回ホストーゲスト・超分子化学シンポジウム, 岡山, ホストーゲスト・超分子化学研究会, Not Invited, Main Speaker
Prize for Research Activities 【 display / non-display 】
SHGSC Japan Award of Excellence 2021
ホストーゲスト・超分子化学研究会, 三宅 亮介, これまでの研究, 2021.03, Domestic
Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display 】
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2021, 800,000Thousand yen
Grant-in-Aid for Early-Career Scientists2013, 3,400,000Thousand yen