


Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division

Headquarters for Research and Innovation, Research Advancement Division, Education and Research Department Center for integrates the humanities and sciences, AI and Data Science


Information Sciences

Education Organization (Master's Program)

Computer Science

Education Organization (Doctoral Program)

Department of Computer Science



Research Keywords 【 display / non-display

  • DNA computing; Molecular programming; Micro-robots; Evolutionary optimization; Swarming behavior

Research Pursuits 【 display / non-display

  • My current research pursuit is the implementation of controllers (i.e., computers) for molecular robots. This topic involves a large range of interests, ranging from the design and implementation of complex non-linear reaction systems to the exploration and optimization of reservoir computing systems characteristics. I am also applying machine learning techniques broadly to the analysis of biological data.

Educational Pursuits 【 display / non-display

  • - Exercises in Programming (1st year; mandatory). This class aims to bring students to fluency in the C programming language through hands-on experience.
    - Software Engineering (3rd year; elective). Focuses on best practices in software development and on how to work efficiently as a team.
    - Exercises in Information Sciences Ⅳ (3rd year; elective). The aim of this class is to give students direct experience with working in a research lab. The supervision is shared among all professors of the department.
    - Advanced Topics on Unconventional Computing/Seminar on Unconventional Computing (Graduate). The aim of those classes is to introduce students to advanced topic related to unconventional computing, including formal definitions of computing systems and how to implement them in system-specific settings.

Future Research Plans, Research Prospects, and Joint Research Potential 【 display / non-display

  • Future work will focus on a systematic exploration of the range of characteristics of reservoirs found so far (memory capacity, kernel rank, generalization rank, ...), on the integration of such computing system with molecular robots (both in silico and in vitro), and on the implementation of hybrid quality-diversity algorithm able to use a combination of real-world experimental data and simulations to suggest optimized system designs.

Degree 【 display / non-display

  • PhD (Information Science and Technology Science), The University of Tokyo, 2014.03

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • Campus Educational System Reform Division Promotion Center of Leading Graduate School, Project Assistant Professor, 2014.09 - 2016.01

  • Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Assistant Professor, 2017.03 - 2021.03

  • Headquarters for Research and Innovation, Research Advancement Division, Education and Research Department Center for integrates the humanities and sciences, AI and Data Science Center for Interdisciplinary AI and Data Science, Member, 2019.04 -

  • Faculty of Core Research Natural Sciences Division, Lecturer, 2021.04 -

Research Field 【 display / non-display

  • Informatics / Informatics / Life, health and medical informatics


Books 【 display / non-display

  • Molecular Robotics: An Introduction

    Design Theory of Molecular Robots, Springer Nature, 2022.08, KAWAMATA Ibuki, KOBAYASHI Satoshi, KOMIYA Ken, NAKAKUKI Takashi, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, AZUMA Shun-ichi, GUTMANN Gregory, KONAGAYA Akihiko, YAMAUCHI Yukiko, SUZUKI Yasuhiro, SUGAWARA Ken, MURATA Satoshi, Scholarly book, 13-58

Papers 【 display / non-display

  • A multiscale computational framework for the development of spines in molluscan shells

    PLOS Computational Biology, Public Library of Science, , vol.20(3), 2024.03, MOULTON Derek, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, ALMET Axel, SATO Atsuko, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor

  • Hearing the shape of an arena with spectral swarm robotics

    arXiv preprint, , 2024.03, CAZENILLE Leo, LOBATO-DAUZIER Nicolas, LOI Alessia, ITO Mika, MARCHAL Olivier, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, BREDECHE Nicolas, GENOT Anthony, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor

  • Collective Cargo Transport and Sorting with Molecular Swarms

    Artificial Life Conference Proceedings, MIT Press, , vol.35(p.90 - 98), 2023.07, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, NITSCHKE Geoff, KAWAMATA Ibuki, KAKUGO Akira, Original, Research paper (international conference proceedings), Capital Author

  • Random forest algorithms to classify frailty and falling history in seniors using plantar pressure measurement insoles: a large-scale feasibility study

    BMC geriatrics, BioMed Central, , vol.22(1)(p.1 - 16), 2022.12, ANZAI Emi, REN Dian, CAZENILLE Leo, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, TRIPETTE Julien, OHTA Yuji, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Coauthor

  • Synaptic pruning with MAP-elites

    Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, ACM, (p.639 - 642), 2022.07, DA ROLD Federico, WITKOVSKI Olaf, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, Original, Research paper (international conference proceedings), Capital Author

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Machine-learning-based prediction of DNA structure volume for Quality-Diversity exploration

    HYAKUZUKA Maya, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, Domestic, Oral presentation (general), 2024.03, , 7th conference on molecular robotics, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • Molecular Swarms for Collective Cargo Sorting

    AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, NITSCHKE Geoff, KAWAMATA Ibuki, KAKUGO Akira, Domestic, 2024.03, , 7th conference on molecular robotics, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • Hearing the shape of an arena with spectral swarm robotics

    CAZENILLE Leo, LOBATO-DAUZIER Nicolas, LOI Alessia, ITO Mika, MARCHAL Olivier, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, BREDECHE Nicolas, GENOT Anthony, International, Oral presentation (general), 2024.03, , Workshop on collective behaviours at the interface of biophysics and swarm robotics, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • First results with simple diffusion on Pogobots

    MACABRE Loona, CAZENILLE Leo, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, BREDECHE Nicolas, International, Oral presentation (general), 2024.03, , Workshop on collective behaviours at the interface of biophysics and swarm robotics, Not Invited, Coauthor

  • PenPY: a python library for the modelization and simulation of molecular programs

    YOSHIDA Luka, AUBERT-KATO Nathanael, International, Oral presentation (general), 2024.03, , Workshop on collective behaviours at the interface of biophysics and swarm robotics, Not Invited, Coauthor

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Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)2022, 2,500,000Thousand yen

  • 国際共同研究加速基金(国際共同研究強化(B))2022, 2,500,000Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2022, 1,200,000Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows2022, 650,000Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)2021, 3,500,000Thousand yen

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Open lectures; lectures, courses, and seminars; guest lectures; etc. 【 display / non-display

  • DNA Computing

    2012.09, Japonder

Media coverage, appearances, commentary, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • Engineering and Technology Magazine
