


Faculty of Core Research Human Sciences Division

Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women's Leadership Institute for Global Leadership


Degree 【 display / non-display

  • 博士(社会学), 慶應義塾大学, 2005.02

Campus Career 【 display / non-display

  • Faculty of Core Research Human Sciences Division, Associate Professor, 2018.04 - 2023.03

  • Faculty of Core Research Human Sciences Division, Professor, 2023.04 -

  • Research Organization for the Promotion of Global Women's Leadership Institute for Global Leadership, , 2023.04 -


Books 【 display / non-display

  • 日本女性のライフコース―平成・令和期の「変化」と「不変」

    女性の家事・育児時間は短くなったのか―時系列の世代間比較, 慶應義塾大学出版会, 2023.10, 西村 純子, 樋口 美雄・田中 慶子・中山 真緒, Scholarly book, 175-194

  • Changes in Work and Family Life in Japan Under COVID-19

    Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Gender Gap in Domestic Labor: Evidence from a Two-Wave Survey in Japan, Springer, 2023.09, NISHIMURA, Junko, BAE, Jihey, TOMA, Kota, MATSUDA Shigeki, TAKENOSHITA Hirohisa, Scholarly book, 53-109

  • 社会学で考えるライフ&キャリア

    中央経済社2023.09, 西村 純子・池田 心豪, Scholarly book, 1-6, 164-178, 223-231

  • よくわかる家族社会学

    家族と職業・仕事, ミネルヴァ書房, 2019.12, 西村 純子, 西野 理子・米村 千代, Scholarly book, 128-131

  • ソーシャル・キャピタルと社会―社会学における研究のフロンティア

    家族構造が子どもにおよぼすインパクト―家族構造・ソーシャル・キャピタルと中学生の成績/自己肯定感との関連, ミネルヴァ書房, 2018.06, 西村 純子, 佐藤 嘉倫, Scholarly book, 107-130

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Papers 【 display / non-display

  • The division of domestic labor during the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: The importance of time and resources

    Sociological Theory and Methods, Japanese Association for Mathematical Sociology, , vol.37(1)(p.90 - 105), 2022.09, NISHIMURA, Junko, BAE, Jihey, TOMA, Kota, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Capital Author

  • 子育てを支える政策をめぐるいくつかの論点

    家族研究年報, , vol.47(p.29 - 41), 2022.07, 西村 純子, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

  • Work-family policies and women’s job mobility: Emerging divides in female workforce in Japan

    Contemporary Social Science, Taylor & Francis, , vol.17(4)(p.353 - 367), 2022.06, NISHIMURA Junko, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

  • 親子のかかわりの学歴階層間の差異——労働時間・家事頻度との関連に着目して

    社会学評論, , vol.72(4)(p.522 - 539), 2022.03, 西村 純子, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

  • Domestic Help and the Gender Division of Domestic Labor during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Gender Inequality among Japanese Parents

    Japanese Journal of Sociology, , vol.31(1)(p.67 - 85), 2022.03, NISHIMURA Junko, Original, Research paper (scientific journal), Single Author

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Published Article 【 display / non-display

  • 子育ての意識変化とそれを阻むもの

    三田評論, vol.1286(p.10 - 26), 2024.03, 稲葉 昭英・西村 純子・藤田 結子・中野 美奈子・平野 翔大, Survey, Coauthor, Except for reviews, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • ケアをめぐる日本社会の課題―「自立」へ導く家庭科教科書から考える

    教科書フォーラム, vol.24(p.88 - 91), 2023.10, 西村 純子, Original, Single Author, Except for reviews, Rapid communication, short report, research note, etc. (bulletin of university, research institution)

  • コロナ・パンデミックを経た家族の変化―アジアの家族との比較を通して

    コミュニティThe Dai-ichi Life Foundation, vol.168(p.10 - 69), 2022.05, 渡辺秀樹・西村純子・裵智恵・シム チュン キャット, Survey, Coauthor, Except for reviews, Other

  • 働く女性と子育て

    母子保健, vol.752(p.8), 2021.12, 西村 純子, Original, Single Author, Except for reviews, Article, review, commentary, editorial, etc. (other)

  • Books ジェンダー最前線『親になったの私だけ!?』

    ムービング(92)(p.11), 2020.10, 西村 純子, Original, Single Author, Except for reviews, Book review, literature introduction, etc.

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Review Papers 【 display / non-display

  • International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2023

    Japan country note, International Network on Leave Policies & Research, (p.343 - 353), 2023.07, NAKAZATO Hideki, TAKEZAWA Junko, NISHIMURA Junko, , BLUM, S., DOBROTIĆ, I., KAUFMANN, G., KOSLOWSKI, A., MOSS, P., Other, Joint Work

  • ライフマップ 令和5年版

    家族, 一般財団法人 教職員生涯福祉財団, (p.25 - 30), 2023.06, 西村 純子, 一般財団法人 教職員生涯福祉財団, Other, Individual

  • International Review of Leave Policies and Research 2022

    Japan country note, International Network on Leave Policies & Research, (p.309 - 318), 2022.07, NAKAZATO Hideki, NISHIMURA Junko, TAKEZAWA Junko, KOSLOWSKI, A., BLUM, S., DOBROTIĆ, I., KAUFMANN, G., MOSS, P., Other, Joint Work

  • ライフマップ 令和4年版

    家族, 一般財団法人 教職員生涯福祉財団, (p.25 - 30), 2022.06, 西村 純子, 一般財団法人 教職員生涯福祉財団, Other, Individual

  • 第4回全国家族調査(NFRJ19)第2次報告書第4巻 親子関係・世代間関係

    日本家族社会学会全国家族調査委員会, (p.1 - 118), 2021.09, 西村 純子・田中 慶子, Investigative Report(Field Research etc.), Joint Work

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Presentations 【 display / non-display

  • Telework and Gender Division of Domestic Labor

    NISHIMURA Junko, International, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2023.11, , International Conference Changing Way of Work, Challenges and Implication for Organization and Gender, Seoul, Korea Labor Institute & Korean Association of Women's Studies, Invited, Main Speaker

  • Men’s Housework during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Evidence from a Two-Wave Survey in Japan

    NISHIMURA Junko, International, Oral presentation (general), 2023.09, , Open Seminar, Taipei, Chinese Culture University, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • ラウンドテーブル〈学会事業としての〉NFRJにいま何か求められるのか?

    保田 時男・西村 純子・斉藤 知洋, Domestic, Symposium, workshop panel (nominated), 2023.09, , 第33回日本家族社会学会大会, 神戸大学, 日本家族社会学会, Coauthor

  • Women’s Time in Domestic Work over the Life Course: Evidence from Women Born in the late 1960s through Early 1980s

    NISHIMURA Junko, International, Oral presentation (general), 2023.06, , ⅩⅩ ISA World Congress of Sociology, Melbourne, International Sociological Association, Not Invited, Main Speaker

  • 女性のライフコースにわたる家事・育児時間のコーホート間比較

    西村 純子, Domestic, Oral presentation (invited, special), 2022.10, , JPSC研究成果報告会―追跡した30年で女性の暮らしはどう変わったか, 慶應義塾大学, 慶應義塾大学パネルデータ設計・解析センター, Invited, Main Speaker

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Receipt of outside funds (Education, Research, Contribution to Society and industry-academia[government] collaboration) 【 display / non-display

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2022, 600Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(B)2022, 80Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(A)2021

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2021, 500Thousand yen

  • Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research(C)2020, 900Thousand yen

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Contributions as an officer, member, etc., of an academic society 【 display / non-display

  • 2019.09 - now,Trustee, Domestic

Media coverage, appearances, commentary, etc. 【 display / non-display

  • 在宅勤務は男女の家事・育児時間にどう影響した? 情報労連リポート

    2021.11.10, 情報産業労働組合連合会

  • "Pandemic magnifying household gender roles" The Japan Times

    2021.06.19, The Japan Times, Ltd.